Bryans Family

Friday, September 16, 2011

GSM serves in Ecuador

The day my mom left Ecuador was also the day a very special team of 24 came.  Grace Student Ministries came down to Ecuador for the first time.  It was so encouraging and refreshing to have our home church with us.
Here is the whole team at Mitad del Mundo (middle of the world)

Trying to balance an egg on the head of a nail
And that is how it is done - Bien hecho!

And when you are in Ecuador, you have to eat (or at least take one bite) of one of Ecuador's delicacies - cuy (guinea pig)

Seth won the award for eating the most cuy.

The Grace team headed to the jungle to serve the community in Huaticocha.  This group was the first team to ever serve in this town.  We were so proud to call them our home church.  They worked very hard without complaining and loved the people with all of their hearts.  This team learned quickly how to use machetes.

In the mornings the team would do construction and in the afternoons Vacation Bible School.  I am so proud of Luke who served as one of the translators during VBS.  Luke loves to be in the jungle wearing his rubber boots and machete on his hip.

Here is Pastor Ivan, his wife, Nancy and their son, Isaac.  Inca Link partners with their church in Huaticocha.  Casey just returned from a recent trip to Huaticocha and when he arrived on a Saturday before lunch, he found Ivan, Nancy and a couple of other church members inside the church praying for the people of Huaticocha.  This is a beautiful family who loves the Lord and seeks His will.  The big plan in Huaticocha is to build a missionary training center to train and equip nationals to be missionaries throughout the world.

Back in Quito we served at an orphanage and the 3 boys from Opción de Vida who were with the Grace team the entire time wanted to show their new friends their home.  After a tour of Opción de Vida, we walked through Carolina Park and prayed for the kids and adults who call Parque de Carolina their home, prayed for the community of Huaticocha, and prayed for Ecuador.

When we got to the airplane (a home for many street kids), Yeison said he wanted to share his story.  I was not prepared to see the tears flowing down his face as he trusted us and shared a part of his life and story from Colombia to Ecuador with us.  We praise God for the privilege to get to be a part of Yeison's life.  He has many hurts but he is learning who he is in Jesus Christ.
This was one of my favorite moments of the summer.  To see our home church love on this young man who we love so much.  As Chris prayed for Yeison, I was overwhelmed with a grateful heart that I get to live here in Ecuador and live life with so many wonderful people like these young men from Opción de Vida, the girls and their babies of Casa Elizabeth, and the boys of Casa Gabriel.  I struggled with homesickness when our home church was here but at this moment, I was glad I was not the one getting on the airplane the next day to go home.  So thankful for what God is doing in the life of Yeison.  God, You are so good, faithful and loving. 

  Another great moment was having our church family from Tyler, Texas and our ministry family from Quito, Ecuador in our home for dinner.  Here is Mickey, the GSM director playing with Isaias, a baby of one of the Casa Elizabeth girls. 

Our final debrief at beautiful Metropolitano Park
Yes, this is how we roll in Ecuador.  My favorite motto is "Siempre hay espacio" (there is always space).  There is always space for just one more.  We had so much fun with the Grace team.  They loved and encouraged our family beyond words.  They also treated us to about 4 suitcases full of fun candy and snacks from the States.  We had Christmas in June!
Thanks to Grace Community for loving us so well and for loving our family here in Ecuador, too.
We have been members of Grace Community Church for 13 years and we just consider ourselves the southernmost campus of Grace.  Thanks for coming to serve in Ecuador.  We look forward to you coming back and know that you always have a home here in Quito.

Thank you to Chris, Shane, Heather, Caleb and Mickey for choosing Ecuador for your students.  Grace Student Ministries is blessed tremendously to have you five as leaders.  Thanks for all of your support.  We love you and miss you!

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